
Python Package Development

A comprehensive tutorial to develop and deploy a python package.

Python Package Development

Tutorial on Python Package Development

This article is about developing python package focusing on designing, building and publishing. Creating a Python package can be a rewarding experience, whether you’re looking to share your code with others or simply organize your own projects better. Here, I am writing the process I have used to develop the defectpl python package. This is a package that deals with post processing of VASP calculation of point defects and generate the PL spectra and relevant diagrams for analysis of phonon modes, partial HR factor and localization etc.

Here, I have written this article to track the python package development process which wil help me in developing future python projects.

Stages of Python Package Development

There are three stages of python package development. This includes Designing, Building and Publishing. In the Design Phase the name of the package, its purpose, the problem it solves, requirements, structure of the code, testing framework etc are detailed. In this stage, the actual code is written with suitable functions and corresponding tests. The code is refactored and well commented and documented for easier use by users.


So, lets first define the following things

  • Name of the package: defectpl
  • Purpose of the package: Unified package for analyzing the optical properties of defect.
  • Problem the package is solving: Calculating and plotting PL spectra of point defects and relevant quantities.
  • Requirements : It requires different packages like pymatgen, pyyaml, numpy, matplotlib etc.
  • Code : The code can be accessed at GitHub Repository.
  • Unit Testing : Pytest will be used to test the functionality of defectpl.
  • Code Refactoring : Use black, radon, bandit, vulture, isort

The first step is to check whether the name you have chosen is available in PyPI and conda-forge. If it’s not choose a different name. For my case, the defectpl name was available in both PyPI and conda-forge. For your package use a different name, don’t use defectpl.

Create a GitHub repository with name defectpl. Add a readme, .gitignore, and a liscence file. Clone the repository to your local system. Now we need the poetry

If poetry is not installed in your system, install it. Check following : install poetry. Do not install poetry in environment in which you are going to do your development. Keep the poetry in a separate environment to keep it isolated. Do not activate the poetry environment to run it. So, create an environment named let say poetry to install poetry and other packages like black, radon etc. Create another environment for development. For mycase the environment in defectpl_dev.

Once you have installed poetry, go to the clone repository and run poetry new defectpl to create the necessary directory structures. This will create a defectpl directory inside defectpl cloned repository. The new directory will contain a pyproject.toml file, a file, a test directory and another defectpl directory for storing the code. So, finally we have the cloned defectpl directory which is the root for GitHub repository, inside which there is another defectpl directory created by poetry new as the root of the project to be published in PyPI. The second defectpl directory consists of the pyproject.toml file. Next, there is another defectpl directory which contains the actual code.

Now you can add a version of the package to the file in the innermost defectpl directory. Also, you can add test to file in the tests directory to test the version. Provide a description of the package. Check the version. Add name and email address.

Then you can start editing the pyproject.toml file. This file takes care of information used in, etc.

Create required source files in the defectpl directory. For example for this package, I have created the and file containing required class and function for optical properties calculation of point defects.

Configure the poetry setting so that it can use the conda environment for development.

  1. In base environment, run the following
    poetry config virtualenvs.path $CONDA_ENV_PATH 
    poetry config virtualenvs.create false

    Where $CONDA_ENV_PATH is the path to the base envs folder (e.g. /Users/myuser/anaconda3envs)

  2. Create a development environment for developing this package, name : defectpl. with latest python version.
    conda create -n defectpl python=3.11
  3. Activate the environment
    conda activate defectpl
  4. Go to the project directory containing pyproject.toml and run following to update and install new packages. Do not use conda or pip to install package in that environment, otherwise the local environment and poetry(and thus pyproject.toml) will be out of sync.
    poetry install

This will create the poetry.lock file that contains the dependencies installed via poetry.

Write the Code and Tests

Write code in defectpl and write necessary test in tests directory with files and functions with test_ initial. We will use pytest as testing framework.


After writing the tests. Go to the defectpl directory containing pyproject.toml and run pytest to run the tests. Running pytest -v will increase the verbosity and print which tests are failing and which tests are passing.

Code Refactoring

Create and activate new environment of for code refactoring. This can be the environment containing poetry package.

conda create -n poetry python=3.11
conda activate poetry
pip install black bandit radon vulture isort pandoc
black : code formatter
bandit : Security oriented static analyzer for python code
radon : Evaluates various metrics for the source code
vulture : Finds unused/dead code in python programs
isort : A python utility/library to sort python imports


Using the following command with any file will give the complexity of the functions, methods, class in that file.

radon cc -s

-s option at the end will give also the score.

How maintainable is the code?

radon mi -s

Number of lines of codes, vocabulary etc.

radon hal


Check the dead objects that are not used



To format the code use.


Improve the file.


Using pandoc to create README.rst from

pandoc --from markdown --to rst -s -o README.rst

Add further details in pyproject.toml like the homepage, license, keywords, classifiers etc.


Do the following to check everything is good.

poetry check


Build the package

  • Package
  • Docs Tools : Poetry (Twine, Wheel), Pytest, Tox, Coverage

Build the package

Go to the directory containing pyproject.toml and run

poetry build

It will create a whl and tar.gz file in dist folder.

Push it to Github

Go to the master directory of the github clone. Before commiting anything edit the .gitignore file to ignore committing unnecessary files to Github.

git status
git add .
git commit -m "First Commit"
git push

Deploy and Publish

  • Publish Docs
    • github-pages
    • readthedocs
    • custom site
  • Deploy on PyPI or Conda or Github Packages Tools for Docs : mkdocs, sphinx Tools for Deploy: Git, Poetry

Publish it on PyPI

Execute the following command to publish it on PyPI

poetry publish

You might have to give credential for your PyPI account.

Publishing an Update of the Package on PyPI

Do all the changes. Do poetry build and then do poetry publish.

Publish it on Conda-forge

Make the conda-forge recipe. For this install grayskull first. Grayskull is a community-developed, stand-alone conda recipe generator.
You can install Grayskull simply with conda install -c conda-forge grayskull
and then run grayskull pypi defectpl=0.1.0 to generate the recipe in the current folder for package defectpl=0.1.0. Please note that the package should already be published in PyPI.

Now, modify the meta.yaml file as required. Most of the settting will be already well set by grayskull. Other things like dev_url, doc_url can be set. An example of meta.yaml file is given below.

Now, get a fork of the staged-recipes(conda-forge/staged-recipes: A place to submit conda recipes before they become fully fledged conda-forge feedstocks) to start the process.

Once you have a fork press . to go to the dev mode in Github. Now go to recipes and create a folder for your package e.g. defectpl . Now add the above meta.yaml file in that folder. Also add a LICENSE file. Commit the changes to the repository with the commit message Adding recipe for defectpl . Now Create a pull request to the main repository. This will trigger several checks. Make sure all the checks pass. Once the check is passed, check the instruction in the pull request first comment (enable edit to see it) to make a comment for review. For my case, the second comment is @conda-forge/help-python The recipe has passed all the tests, and it is ready for review. Thanks. @conda-forge-admin. The first @conda-forge/help-python alerts the python team to make the review and the second @conda-forge-admin helps the first time contributer to the conda-forge to mention the team associated with the repo for PR review.

Once the review is completed the package will be published in

Updating a cond-forge publish

Publishing the Documentation

Install the mkdocs package in poetry environment.

conda activate poetry
pip install mkdocs

Create directory called defectpl-docs in the cloned repository to write the docs. Go inside the directory and run

mkdocs new defectpl

It will create a defectpl folder with mkdocs.yml file and a docs folder containing file.

Edit the mkdocs.yml file

site_name: defectpl
  - "Home":
  - "Getting Started":
  - "Installation":
  - "Usage":
  - "Tutorials":
  - "API":

theme: readthedocs

Create each of the .md file in the docs directory. Then go the run the following command in the folder containing mkdocs.yml file.

mkdocs serve

This will start a local server and give a link to see the documentation.

To build the docs do the following

mkdocs build

It will create a site folder.

Now copy the docs folder and mkdocs.yml file to the cloned folder. Now go there and execute the following to deploy it to github pages.

mkdocs gh-deploy

It will create a gh-pages branch and push the docs related file to that branch. It will also provide the link to the deployed page for my case it is To get this link and also to set a custom domain name you can go to the gh-pages branch in the GitHub repository, then go to settings and then to pages. There you will get this published link and also other options.

Now copy this link and put it in different files where you want to give access to documentations. For example in files and pyproject.toml file.

Now you can delete the defectpl-docs folder which was created just to start developing the documentation as the docs and mkdocs.yml are already copied. Now push the changes to the github. Go the cloned directory.

git status
git add .
git commit -m "Published the docs"
git push


  1. (157) Python Package Development Tutorial ( Design,Build and Publish) - YouTube
  2. PyPI reserve package name : How to Reserve (and…
  3. Using poetry with conda : How to Use Poetry with Conda for Package Management on a Specific Python Version - Data Science <3 Machine Learning
  4. Uploading and installing conda packages — Anaconda documentation
  5. GeoSoft Lesson 24 - Publishing Python Packages on conda-forge
  6. How to publish a Python package on conda-forge
  7. GeoSoft Lesson 25 - Updating a Python Package on conda-forge
  8. Python Software Development
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.